Friday, February 5, 2010


February 5, 2010

Mark has been moved to a regular room on the oncology floor. GOODBYE ICU!!!

Everything is moving along beautifully. Mark is getting stronger every single day, his lungs are getting progressively better, his white blood cell count is in the low 20's, he's eating solid food again, and isn't on any pain killers or goofballs of any kind!!!

They transported him to the new room by bringing a "regular" bed to his ICU room, and moving him that way...and Mark tipped the hospital transport guys when they dropped him off...cuz that's how he rolls.


His new room number is TN672

I slept next to him last night, and while he didn't sleep a whole lot, he was peaceful and comfortable (and I caught him reading through the blog in the middle of the night too, which I think finally exhausted him after seeing how long winded all of my posts are. HA!). I can't describe how lovely it was to sleep next to him again, holding his hand all night. Personally, I slept like a baby for the first time in a while. His pulse ox the whole night hovered in the mid 90's. When I got up and left for work this morning, he was at 100 for his pulse ox...(AWESOME!!!!)

Today's goals:
-Physical & Occupational therapy (strength building, i.e. sitting, standing, etc)
-Solid foods
-Campath shot
-Chest xray
-Blood count watch


Now everybody together, on the count of three, 1-2-3....EXHALE!!!

Love to you all,
-Leslie (& Mark)


  1. tipped the patient transporters = priceless.


  2. That is just awesome! I'm so glad to hear that Mark is doing so well. Our prayers have been answered!
    Sandy Streit

  3. Mark, you are one amazingly tough, stubborn man! Thank you Leslie for all your updates and for being there for Mark in every way.

    Amazing news... truly amazing....

  4. And another kitten is saved. Way to go Mark!!!!

  5. Rock on, Chicago!

  6. Hang in there Mark, you have alot of friends on your side.. I will do whatever i can, just ask..

    Neal M

  7. That is great news! he's such a fighter! He remains in our thoughts and prayers

    Uncle Roger,Aunt Donna & cousin Roger

  8. Pat & Barb Kerrigan ( MOM & Dad )February 5, 2010 at 8:24 PM

    AWESOME Leslie and Mark, That is wonderful news, Thank God, he was hearing all of our Prayers for Mark, One day at a time Don't ever forget that. Baby steps. Don't you ever forget keep that laughter coming it helps so much ! We love you both Mark and Leslie, Love Mom and Dad

  9. Holy crap! I heard you were in the hospital but had no idea - just found your blog today. Glad to hear you're doing much better! Now get out of there soon!
    - MJ

  10. So happy to see the pic of you on Lori's phone today Mark! You look pretty good considering!! Better than when I saw you last even.. Such great news -- keep it coming!!!

  11. Such wonderful news to hear that Mark is continuing to get stronger as each day passes and out of ICU!! Mark's personal fight and the love and support you have provided him Leslie has gotten him this far in his progress along with the numerous prayers you both have been receiving from family and friends. Prayers are powerful and I will continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. I'm looking forward to meeting you one day Mark and keep up the fight. Love to you Both.

  12. you don't know me but Talon is one of my oldest friends, been sending all the positive energy/thoughts we could muster. telling everyone of your fight and asking them to add a little something of their own to add to your vigilance. been following along and can't tell you how happy we are to hear the news this week!!!!! keep up all the great work and keep on letting us know. there are more people out here pulling for you than you even know...

    strength and love,
    susan atkinson

  13. Mark!!! It's Jamie. So awesome!!!! Had a dream about you last night, you were healthy and looking like Jon Cusack. S

  14. Pat and Barb (Mom and Dad)February 7, 2010 at 1:08 AM

    Hi Mark and Leslie, Keep up the good news Mark each and everyday will get better and better, remember one day at a time ! Baby steps, you will get there ! Pat and I will be coming to see you soon ! Love you guys, Mom and Dad, ( Pat and Barb )

  15. Barb and Pat (mom and Dad )February 7, 2010 at 8:58 PM

    Hi Mark and Leslie, thinking about you both, hope today was a good day for you. Love, Mom and Dad

  16. Glad to know you're moving up in the world Mark! Leslie, big hug and lots of kisses! Blessings and continued success! XO Anna & Tony

  17. Great News. Keep up the good work and stay strong Mark. - Hawkins
