It has been a few days at home, and I'm still not fully acclimated. It seems that the freedoms of being home are costing me a bit more than they used to; I have a hard time getting low and getting back up. Which makes the lower cabinets nearly out of reach. And feeding the dog a spilling that she doesn't mind cleaning up.
The trip I took yesterday to the clinic for my Campath shot went fairly smoothly, but just being outside for just a few minutes stole my breath away. that was a shocker. I'm hoping that most of my trips to the clinic go so well.
Leslie is back from Detroit and helped me take my first my first shower since I don't know when. It felt so wonderful to have warm water all over me. Now it just feels good to be clean with clean hair and a shave. I feel nearly human.
Now i'm trying to work on my muscle strength, but I'm tired from just walking from one end of the house to the other, so it's very difficult to find the energy. I just want to be stronger! I look in the mirror and see the results of my long nap; my frame shows but my muscles are gone. It's plain odd to see myself in the mirror, as the hospitals are not full of them.
The food here at the house is much better; Christian cooked for me for two days and really hooked me up with solid food that I needed. Tonight Leslie is cooking, and I sure like home-cooking better that restaurant foods. I'm looking forward to tonight's meal. and the chocolate shake I'm about to make right now!
What I like about being home is the sleep I get. I like the comfort of my my couch. I like having my dog nearby, pretending she's protecting me. I like being able to watch the sun rise. I like having clothes to choose from and wear, even if they take a half-an-hour to put on. I like the 'smell' of home. I like the smell of cooking in my kitchen. I like the warmth of the radiators. I like the coolness of my own sheets.
I like being home, It's just more work than I remember. I'm very glad to have so many good friends to help me out and pitch in around this place.