Baby Steps.
I've got to take baby steps. My impatience with my progress is unwarranted yet I still have to force myself to slow down and take those baby steps. I want to be healthy NOW and have a hard time getting through the little things that will get me back into a reasonable body. Right now, I'm all skinny and bony and uncomfortable in almost any position. Too weak to run, too tired to workout very long and too impatient to wait.
This morning, I total all of my health claims and was shocked at how fast you can run up a million dollar claim. Apparently all this great treatment I've been receiving doesn't come cheap. The total as of this morning was $1,013,789. That's a lot of money to rack in just two months, considering I slept through three weeks of that. Good thing I've got a great insurance plan. Makes me feel seriously like Lee Majors because I've got two more months to go, a Stem-cell transfusion ahead of me and corresponding three-week hospital stay. Let's just hope it all goes smoothly so I don't end up in life-long debt.
I'm feeling good today, this Sunday morning, as the house is quiet, the animals are still sleepy, Leslie is sleeping in, Rob is sleeping in and I've got a breakfast in me and time to sort out my thoughts. Now I can work my legs a little bit, soak my feet and wait for the day to unfold. This is the life of a million-dollar man.