Thursday, July 22, 2010

You are all invited (so long as you're healthy)

The past ten days or so I have felt marvelous, save for the one occasion when I tried to golf two days in a row. I found on that day that my recovery skills are not what I wish, but hey, I'm still golfing. It could be the heat we've been experiencing, but last year I would have reveled in these same temps, so I blame it on lack of quality bloods cells at this stage of recooperation. Still I managed to play some decent golf this week, back to a level I can be comfortable enough with to talk smack, which is a huge part of my golf enjoyment. Can't talk smack if you can't back it up, you know.
Day 100 is rapidly approaching with a tidbit of knowledge: Statisticly speaking, most of the horrible infections I am so vunerable to take hold within the 100 day mark. So, whoo-hoo, two weeks more until I climb out of DefCon 1. Still I'll be in DefCon 2, but I will be able to relax a bit more around people and not totally freak out like I've been doing on my sojourns into various storefronts.

And, as a bonus, I've been 'given permission' to commence with CHICKENFEST plans!
All of y'all can attend, so long as you're healthy. No runny noses, no sore throats, no sniffles, colds or fevers. No open wounds. No NOTHING that even sounds like a sickness. LouPinella, you can't come. Ricketts, you should probably stay away too. Ii'm a fan and all, don't get me wrong, but your names sound like a major illness.
This Chickenfest craziness will be occuring on September 5th, the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. All you gotta bring is a chicken dish. There will be an evite very soon, so keep an eye open for that. You heard it here.

As for my health, I'm getting stronger again, this time around forming actual muscles, taking less meds - I'm down to seven, I think - and my mind is getting quicker with use. Still, I'm missing the crowds of summerfests I love, with the live music and goofy people watching. I may be able to attend a rock show in October, but certainly not yet. Until I drive my neighbors crazy with my mock shows from the basement, with the stereo cranked up load.

Stay happy people, this is a great life. Let's all take ten minutes and enjoy today. Breathe deep and regard that as a blessing in itself. Look at nature and marvel at its gorgeousness. Have a cocktail and watch the sunset. Whatever, just take a moment to revel in the fact that we're alive. I sure am.


  1. CuKu,'re on your way SPeedway. It's been a helluva ride thus far. We'll try to keep the snot level low for the next month or so.

  2. We're down with Chicken Fest... Deepak Chopra. J/K who better to comment on the appreciation of life than you. See ya Sept 5! Jamie and Ron
